Estimating the IQ of Vladmir Putin
Anatoly Karlin’s own analysis based on his life and perceptions of him based on other Russians yields an estimate of 130. It turns out this is probably quite accurate.
Putin has a PhD - assuming the same stats for educational attainment from the USA apply to Russia (probably close), using the same method I used to estimate Jensen’s eduttainment z-score results in an estimate of 1.95.
Nobody knows what Putin’s net worth is - estimates vary from 1.4 billion (just his mansion) to 200 billion. Using the conservative estimate of 1.4, I get a z-score of about 5 in wealth given that there are about 2600 billionaires in the world.
Given that the average IQ of a male PhD is roughly 120, with an SD of 0.8*15, the second simulation generates an estimate with a mean of 129 and a large standard error of 13
g <- rnorm(60000000)
c <- 0.55*g + rnorm(60000000)*sqrt(1-0.55^2)
b <- 0.2*g + rnorm(60000000)*sqrt(1-0.2^2)
subby1 <- data.frame(g, c)
subby1$b <- b
subby2 <- subset(subby1, (subby1$b > 4.5 & subby1$b < 5.9) & (subby1$c > 1.9 & subby1$c < 2))
eliges <- append(eliges, subby2$g)